Client Share

“Rivi led a pre-delivery ritual for me, my baby, and my friends. I appreciate the thoughtfulness of every detail, from setting up the space, to the blessings that I received, and the offerings Rivi introduced. I felt supported, seen, and held in such a transitional period of my life. Moving into motherhood has brought up a lot of fears and anxiety. Yet, being surrounded by Rivi’s energy allowed me to trust myself in ways that I have been missing. This was an important ceremony in my journey, and I appreciate Rivi’s contribution to it.”

- Dr. Einav Nahum, Clinical Psychologist

“Having lost our societal practice of rituals/ceremonies to honor and move through lifes transitions, Rivis work is particularly needed. This  collective loss has felt huge for me. Receiving support in this way has been a truly precious gift. Her ability to hold space with such presence allowed moments of pure expression from deep within myself to move through me and out. With the space left over she guided me through harvesting the gifts of the past and planting seeds Ive guarded for years. Shes a tender, fierce, wonderfully playful at times, dedicated person to do this work with.”

-Lacey Ranf, Montessori Teacher


Working with Rivi was a really powerful experience. I am at a pivotal change moment in my life, becoming a father, and through working with Rivi I felt like I was able to get clearer on what could help me through the transition. Her easeful attention and deep care made me feel seen and valued in a way that allowed me to think about and craft a ritual to help me to acknowledge and grieve the past and to joyfully step into this next stage of my life.

- Keenen Bloom, Craniosacral Therapist

Rivi has personally changed my life.  Her levels of depth, light, wisdom, and rootedness are as striking as they are rare.  Working with her has provided me with clarity, direction, integration, and hopefulness. The wholesomeness and timelessness she brings into the world provide me with inspiration as well.

What sets Rivi aside from other coaches is her warm and grounded presence.  She carries with her an infectious remembrance of all that is sacred in life- something that she has cultivated within herself and helps to realize in others.  She gracefully weaves lightheartedness into difficult conversations, and meets people exactly where they are.  

If you have any inkling that working with Rivi may benefit you, I recommend that you reach out to her.  She is a light in this world who leads from the heart.

- Leah Silverman, Integrative Health Coach